
Cyber Renaissance Blog

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The Blog

This blog serves multiple purposes:

For it's name you are right to assume that it will touch on topics of cyberculture, technology and futurism. We are currently undergoing many radical changes and have the potentiality for many more that come with many implications, and some of these I believe have parallels with, and are fitting enough to draw inspiration from: the renaissance itself.

Many of these implications come with big dangers but also big opportunities. In this blog I will be writing about what I beleive are potential safeguards against these dangers and my attempts to ride the waves of the opportunities along the way.

At last but not least, this blog serves the purpose of a public record and place to articulate myself so I can confront the challenges of life with a more solid foundation. So also expect a wide variety of practical, and hopefully useful topics as I attempt to overcome the challenges in my everyday life.


I am a creative dev with mainly interest in tech, business, and philosophy. You can expect me to be building cool web development projects either by myself or with my colleagues at Defgine. In the creative side, with design, art & video editing my aim is to cure the diseases that post-modern art tend to cause, and attempt to rekindle the inner fire and remind people of the things that truly matter.

Oh yeah, and I also like working out so expect some posts on how to sculp your body like Achilles!